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Retainers are essential for ensuring your teeth
remain straight after orthodontic treatment.

When you complete your brace-wearing journey, your teeth
have a tendency to move back into their original pre-treatment position.

To prevent this relapse, we can provide you with a set of retainers to maintain the results of your treatment.

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The Beresford Clinic

Fixed Retainers

Fixed retainers are designed with thin wires.

These are bonded behind your teeth, out of view. The retainers we provide are unobtrusive and easy to get used to.

You will need to wear your retainers indefinitely. You can look after them by using interdental brushes or special floss to clean around them – they don’t require any additional special maintenance, but we recommend coming in for routine dentist and hygienist appointments.

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The Beresford Clinic

Removable Retainers

Our removable retainers are bespoke, fitting over your teeth seamlessly.

You don’t need to wear your removable retainers all day and night; your dentist will specify how long you need to wear them in each 24-hour period.

Store your retainers in a protective box when you’re not wearing them. Our dentists can arrange to have a spare set made if required.

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The Beresford Clinic

Dental Relapse

You shouldn’t experience shifting teeth if you use your retainer as instructed.

In some cases, our patients find they did not receive the correct support from their dentist when undergoing orthodontic treatment. That’s where we come in.

Our dentists at The Beresford Clinic can provide orthodontic treatment to realign your teeth, as well as the retainer that will keep them in place for good.

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What should I do if I lose my retainer?

If you misplace or damage your retainer, please contact us.

Your dentist will arrange to have a new one made. It’s paramount that you contact us as soon as possible after this occurs, as your teeth will quickly start to move out of position, jeopardising the hard work you put into wearing your brace.

My retainer feels tighter than normal – what should I do?

Wearing your removable retainer more regularly and for longer should resolve this problem.

If it does not, then please contact your dentist.

Will my retainer affect my speech?

You might find you have a very subtle lisp when you begin wearing your retainer, but this generally resolves itself quickly.

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The Beresford Clinic
The Beresford Clinic


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opening hours

  • Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm
  • Saturday 9am to 2pm

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Take the first step toward a healthier smile. Schedule your free consultation with The Beresford Clinic!

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Before - The Beresford Clinic


After - The Beresford Clinic


Before - The Beresford Clinic


After - The Beresford Clinic



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